Bigger. Better. Bolder.


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Seafair Signature Partners

Seafair Weekend Festival

Seafair Weekend is the largest boating event, air show, and festival all rolled into one.

It features live music, delicious food and beverage options, and various family-friendly activities. Whether you’re a local or a first-time visitor, Seafair Weekend Festival promises to deliver an incredible experience that captures the essence of the Pacific Northwest’s vibrant culture and natural beauty.

Join in the fun and create memories that will last a lifetime!

Countdown to Seafair Weekend


Premium Experiences

Enjoy prime seating and elevated experiences with family and friends during Seafair Weekend Festival, Alaska Airlines Seafair Torchlight Parade, and Seafair 4th of July brought to you by Amazon.

Get tickets to and information about the Bud Zero Seafair Log Boom, Pit Passes, Grandstand Seating, Reserved Seating, Captains Club, The Deck, and more.

Hospitality Suites

Experience the spirit and tradition of Seafair by entertaining key clients, customers, or employees in a hospitality pavilion during the summer’s biggest event in Seattle.

We have six different Hospitality suites to choose from this year.

Volunteer with Seafair

Volunteers are the people behind the scenes who ensure that every attendee has a memorable and positive experience.

Volunteering with Seafair is a great way to get involved and give back to your community. We offer flexible commitments to accommodate your schedule.

Our Vibrant Communities

Learn more about the historic role of Seafair Royalty and discover opportunities to get involved in upcoming events in fun and creative ways – including getting dressed in pirate garb.

Seafair Signature Events

Seafair Signature Partners
Friends of Seafair
Novastar Development, Inc.


Seafair Media Partners